Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to take you Grandmother to the Museum

By: Lois Wyse and Molly Rose Goldman

After reading the first couple pages, I thought I was going to enjoy this book because of the illustrations, and also the voice of the main character was very strong. It went downhill for me from there, though. It was way too long for what it was, and half way through I found myself looking to the back to see how many more pages I had left. A lot could have been taken out of the middle, as this book was a step-by-step look at a visit to the museum. It was too detailed. Also, the random insertion of educational facts added to the boringness of it, especially since it had no clear plot with a problem and a solution. The insertion of facts really made me think about those commercials where the spokespeople are pretending to have a conversation about the product being advertised; it just seems very contrived and almost makes you cringe a little. I found this book to be boring and I think students would agree.


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