Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Blizzard's Robe

By: Robert Sabuda

I was not a fan of this book. It was a little bit too conceptual and hard to relate too. The thing that bothered me the most about it was the way that it portrayed native Americans. The characters in this book were native American, but were portrayed in a very stereotyped, typical way. I think the concept of the book was a little difficult to follow as well. The blizzard in this story was personified as an actual character, however, this was not completely made clear or immediately apparent, and confused me when I read it the first time. The characters and the ideas being portrayed were hard to relate to. Originally this book caught my eye because of the very vivid and colorful illustrations, however, the format of the book actually caused them to be a distraction to the writing and made it harder to follow what was going on. I think this book would be too challenging for young readers but not in a productive sense.

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